Baseball - Spring 2023

Our Spring season runs from mid-March until mid-June.

Registration has closed for all of our levels except Challengers, but we may still have space for you. Contact Us with your player's name, birth date, and desired level of play, and we will do our best to find a team for you!


Click "More Info" for details about each level.

 Registration DatesCostStatus

Offering: Challengers - DOB: 09/01/97 - 08/31/19 (4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, and 25.0 year olds)

 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 04/15/23 12:00 AM$25.00Closed

Offering: Jr. Tee Ball - DOB: 09/01/17 - 08/31/19 (4.0 and 5.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$95.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 03/15/23 12:00 AM$120.00Closed

Offering: Tee Ball - DOB: 09/01/16 - 08/31/18 (5.0 and 6.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$95.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 03/15/23 12:00 AM$120.00Closed

Offering: Rookies - DOB: 09/01/15 - 08/31/17 (6.0 and 7.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$115.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 03/15/23 12:00 AM$130.00Closed

Offering: A - DOB: 09/01/14 - 08/31/16 (7.0 and 8.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$115.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 03/15/23 12:00 AM$130.00Closed

Offering: AA - DOB: 09/01/13 - 08/31/15 (8.0 and 9.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$115.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 03/15/23 12:00 AM$130.00Closed

Offering: AAA - DOB: 09/01/12 - 08/31/14 (9.0 and 10.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$115.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 03/08/23 12:00 AM$130.00Closed

Offering: Majors - DOB: 09/01/10 - 08/31/13 (10.0, 11.0, and 12.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$115.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 03/06/23 12:00 AM$130.00Closed

Offering: 50/70 - DOB: 09/01/09 - 08/31/12 (11.0, 12.0, and 13.0 year olds)

 Early Bird: 11/01/22 12:00 AM - 12/31/22 12:00 AM$105.00Closed
 Regular: 12/31/22 12:00 AM - 02/14/23 12:00 AM$115.00Closed
 Late: 02/14/23 12:00 AM - 02/28/23 12:00 AM$130.00Closed
County Field Fee - Lower Levels
County Field Fee - Lower Levels $10.00 Per Item
Per-player field usage fee required by Arlington CountyAvailable for the following Offerings: Jr. Tee Ball, Tee Ball, Rookies, A, AA
County Field Fee - Upper Levels
County Field Fee - Upper Levels $15.00 Per Item
Per-player field usage fee required by Arlington CountyAvailable for the following Offerings: AAA, Majors, 50/70
Charitable Contribution
Charitable Contribution $0.00 Per Item
Can you offer an additional contribution to create the best youth baseball program in Arlington?
Select a Donation Level: Not at this time, Team First Aid Kit ($10.00 addl.), Full Uniform ($25.00 addl.), Box of Baseballs ($50.00 addl.), Full-season Scholarship ($100.00 addl.), Saturday Umpires (AAA) ($250.00 addl.), Team Uniforms ($400.00 addl.)
Available for the following Offerings: Jr. Tee Ball, Tee Ball, Rookies, A, AA, AAA, Majors, 50/70, Challengers
Single Team Sponsorship
Single Team Sponsorship $0.00 Per Item
Sponsor a single, specific team
Sponsorship Level: Not at this time
Available for the following Offerings: Jr. Tee Ball, Tee Ball, Rookies, A, AA, AAA, Majors, 50/70, Challengers